Speaking & Training
Mike Shellito is a popular public speaker and has delivered a variety of speeches and training programs for groups ranging from 10 to 1000. Over the past 20 years, Mike has delivered over 500 keynote addresses, conference training sessions and employee workshops. Mike’s training and speaking style is often praised as creative, humorous and thought provoking.
Listed below is a list of training programs offered. Training sessions are customized to each agency and can be adapted from 1 -3 hours. Keynote presentations are typically 45 minutes to 75 minutes. For more information, please request a detailed list of programs descriptions, learning objectives and sample training outlines for the sessions outlined below.
Keynote Presentations
- Thriving in Change
- Real Leadership for Tough Times
- Good to Great - Characteristics of High Performers
- Winning with Vision and Culture
- Secrets of World Class Organizations
- Do This - Not That! How to Avoid the Top 10 Management Mistakes
Leadership and Management
- Adaptive Leadership for a Changing World
- Cut to the Core – Establishing Operational Priorities
- Supervisory Skills Academy
- Advanced Supervisory Skills Academy
- Developing Executive Level Performance Competencies
- Keys to Great Training and Presentations
- Finding Your Calling
- Achieving Meaningful and Measurable Results
- Is it Worth It? Cost-Benefit Analysis for Local Government
Organizational Development
- Growing Talent through Succession Planning
- Cut to the Core: Effectively Managing Budget Cuts and Service Reductions
- Navigating Reorganization and Change
- Learn It, Live It, Coach It
- Innovation in Government
- Branding Parks & Recreation as an Economic Engine
- Strengthening Your Agency’s Brand and Image
- Creating High Performing Teams
Customer Service & Quality Assurance
- Train the Trainer Workshop for Customer Service
- High Tech-High Touch Customer Service
- Building Your Brand and Customer Loyalty
- Dealing with Unhappy Customers & Service Recovery
- Measuring Results through Quality Assurance
Planning Parks, Facilities and Programs
- Designing Parks and Facilities for Revenue
- Creating Great Public Spaces through Place Making
- Marketing to What Matters Most: How to Reach Your Customer
- Sure Fire Strategies to Increase Revenue
Specialized Training
- Policy Governance for City Councils & City Managers
- Power and Politics
- Boot camp for New City Council Members
- DiSC - Personality Profiles & Training
- Everything DiSC Management Assessments & Training
- Understanding Your Group Culture
- Evaluating and Establishing Operational Priorities
- Management Assessment Centers
- Executive Coaching